Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dried roses

I think that this post is appropriate for today because it is unbearable hot and I feel like drying up and dying like these flowers ha! Anyways, let's get into it.

What you'll need:

  • roses of your choice
  • ribbon, twine or rubber band
  • nail to hang roses on upside down in your house ( somewhere safe where someone won't bump into them and make them disintegrate)

Basically you'll just want to wrap your flower bunch up and hang it upside down until they're dried and ready!

After about a week you'll have lovely flowers that won't die that you can use to decorate with

From here it's pretty easy to make your own potpourri sachets. just take all the petals off of your flowers and lightly douse them with a tiny amount of your favorite essential oil (kind of expensive and hard to find so any oil concentrate or parfume oil will suffice). Toss the petals and the oil like a salad and then put a bit into a pouch of sorts that you can sew shut!

*** side not to everyone: I have a beer blog in the works which I'm kind of excited about, so I'll keep you all updated about that! As usual, feel free to email or anonymously comment with any ideas or recommendations for my beer blog or this!

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